:: Assalamualaikum ::
I bet everyone have their own habits. It's like a friend. Can be pleasing but too much of em can be deathly. Hiperbola, aku tau. aku tak kisah. lol. Anyway..like what I was saying, habits can be good. But only for good habits. Let's say..Rajin masak lunch utk parents (ekham), rajin membaca (as if..), kemas and that sort of things lah..Capisce? But then again, habits are mostly bad. Ada several list of habits yang biasa kita buat tapi they are actually quite dangerous.
1. Fall asleep while watching television.
Some people feels comfortable sleeping with the television on. Right? People made some study on this matter and the effects from this are constant dizziness, frequently feeling anxious, depressed and even cancer. How? you may ask. As we have known for so long, electronic devices emits electromagnetic waves. These waves will affect human's health. Based on studies, hair dryer and television emits the most electromagnetic waves. Thus, for safety..switch off every electric devices at home before going to bed. In fact, laptops and mobile phones emits quite a lot of electromagnetic waves. I know that mobile phones emits the most electromagnetic waves when it's battery at the lowest.
2. Sleeping with standing fan.
Really, I know..nothing is wrong in this picture. Unless if you're directing it only at your face and neck. The next day, you'll suffer a great headache. The main reason is basically because the neck connected with nerves and blood vessels. Constantly having direct air blown on your face and neck will bring discomfort for your body. In fact, standing fan will transmit dust particles. This will makes your allergies worse. What you can do is..make it move around and of course, clean it frequently.
3. Rubbing eyes.
You might scratch it because it's itchy, blurry or for any reasons in particular. We might do it spontaneously sometimes. It's only normal when you feel itchy, that's what you do. Scratch. Bare in mind though, our hands contains millions of bacteria and getting our hand in contact with our eyes will contribute in higher risk of getting eyes infection. Plus, it will make the skin under your eyes wrinkles much faster due to the skin's sensitivity. Solutions? Make sure your hand is clean enough before rubbing your eyes softly. Although, my mom taught me to wash my face instead or rub my whole face with a clean towel. It really works. *wink*
4. Pinching your pimples/zits.
Eyyh...face it. We all know that this is bad, people. But of course, we always chose to break the rules and play innocence. One even says keep your hand away from your face! Why? Because our hands have been in contacts with numerous items which results in higher bacteria in this area. The best thing is trying not to touch your face, if you really have to pinch it..make sure the hands are clean. Use the right products that suits your skin. Example of skin care products, proceed here http://dadasida91.blogspot.com/
5. Biting your nails.
Some bit their nails out of nervousness, laziness or just liking the taste of their nail. lol. Some of the effects of biting your nails are digestive failure, the skin around your nail will bleeds, reddened and swollen. Solution? Try your very best NOT TO DO this. Cut it properly. It's hygienic and neat.
6. Skip breakfast.
You see, some people, people like me..have this misconception about eating. Most girls I believe think that skipping meals can actually helps you in your diet. Wrong! The things is..to function properly, our body and our brains, it needs something to burn. Analoginya seperti membuat unggun api. Bahan bakarnya adalah woods right? In this case, food is essential to burn fat. So theory eat frequently wth small serving is actually the proper way. Without glucose and energy, our body cannot function properly.

*sigh* My mom do this quite often.
1. Fall asleep while watching television.
Some people feels comfortable sleeping with the television on. Right? People made some study on this matter and the effects from this are constant dizziness, frequently feeling anxious, depressed and even cancer. How? you may ask. As we have known for so long, electronic devices emits electromagnetic waves. These waves will affect human's health. Based on studies, hair dryer and television emits the most electromagnetic waves. Thus, for safety..switch off every electric devices at home before going to bed. In fact, laptops and mobile phones emits quite a lot of electromagnetic waves. I know that mobile phones emits the most electromagnetic waves when it's battery at the lowest.

It's a fan and it's standing. In case, you never heard of it. pfft..
2. Sleeping with standing fan.
Really, I know..nothing is wrong in this picture. Unless if you're directing it only at your face and neck. The next day, you'll suffer a great headache. The main reason is basically because the neck connected with nerves and blood vessels. Constantly having direct air blown on your face and neck will bring discomfort for your body. In fact, standing fan will transmit dust particles. This will makes your allergies worse. What you can do is..make it move around and of course, clean it frequently.

I had this habit as a child.
3. Rubbing eyes.
You might scratch it because it's itchy, blurry or for any reasons in particular. We might do it spontaneously sometimes. It's only normal when you feel itchy, that's what you do. Scratch. Bare in mind though, our hands contains millions of bacteria and getting our hand in contact with our eyes will contribute in higher risk of getting eyes infection. Plus, it will make the skin under your eyes wrinkles much faster due to the skin's sensitivity. Solutions? Make sure your hand is clean enough before rubbing your eyes softly. Although, my mom taught me to wash my face instead or rub my whole face with a clean towel. It really works. *wink*

This reminds me..I have one right now.
4. Pinching your pimples/zits.
Eyyh...face it. We all know that this is bad, people. But of course, we always chose to break the rules and play innocence. One even says keep your hand away from your face! Why? Because our hands have been in contacts with numerous items which results in higher bacteria in this area. The best thing is trying not to touch your face, if you really have to pinch it..make sure the hands are clean. Use the right products that suits your skin. Example of skin care products, proceed here http://dadasida91.blogspot.com/

Stop it. Bad for your health.
5. Biting your nails.
Some bit their nails out of nervousness, laziness or just liking the taste of their nail. lol. Some of the effects of biting your nails are digestive failure, the skin around your nail will bleeds, reddened and swollen. Solution? Try your very best NOT TO DO this. Cut it properly. It's hygienic and neat.

One of my favourite things... pfft. This is my habit.
6. Skip breakfast.
You see, some people, people like me..have this misconception about eating. Most girls I believe think that skipping meals can actually helps you in your diet. Wrong! The things is..to function properly, our body and our brains, it needs something to burn. Analoginya seperti membuat unggun api. Bahan bakarnya adalah woods right? In this case, food is essential to burn fat. So theory eat frequently wth small serving is actually the proper way. Without glucose and energy, our body cannot function properly.
Quote picture chosen

I've been through this. Everyone had their stories.
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