For the past 22 years..I've been in love with this country.
Quite a blessing I must say. Muhibbah is the precise word if u ever been to Malaysia.
This country thought me tolerance, acceptance and peace..until now. It's like a war zone during PRU13! hahah..
My parents never pulled us towards their preference and I don't really know who they voted for all these while. When I asked, they said "secret". I actually felt grateful for that, my parents allowed me and brother to think and judge things on our own as we grow up...As for now. I just want peace.

Kalau boleh..tolong la jaga peribadi tu..kawal amarah..Silent readers(aku la antaranya tu) yg tgk luakan amarah kalian dalam FB tu akn ada persepsi yang buruk pd kalian and parti politik kalian. Jgn la selama hari ni sifat kalian penuh hemah, baik budi bahasa, tak bersangka buruk tiba-tiba datang demam PRU, korg transform jd Hulk..scary..huhu..Ok? Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu yang terjadi..Believe in fate.

P/S : Behave as what you wish neutral voters like me would like to see...Don't judge and be rationale.
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